One of our current cases is the case of Arpine Asatryan.
The Arpine has been in our medical care since July 12th, 2018.

At the age of 14, she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the left thigh. Chemotherapy and leg amputation were performed as part of the treatment.
This was followed by phantom pain which required long-term therapy with ibuprofen and novaminsulfon in high doses. In the course of the follow-up care for osteosarcoma on the left side, hypothyroidism in need of substitution was secured in Hashimoto’s thyroid surgery in 2018 and L-thyroxine 50 mg daily was used for life. In addition, an eye disease with a progressive course has been present for 7 years. With repeated operations there is the possibility to slow down or stop the disease progression.
On May 28th, 2020 the next eye was treated for keratoconus. Unfortunately, postoperative complications in the form of a detachment of the retina resulted, which made emergency surgical treatment with a subsequent operation necessary.
Keratoconus surgery is only performed in Germany. In the absence of such surgical treatment, the patient becomes blind relatively quickly .. in 1-2 years.
In such cases, where fast and unbureaucratic action should be taken, we make ourselves available professionally and financially.
Acknowledgement to the Prof. Gerein – Foundation and the consultant and accompaniment Mrs. Swetlana Friebus.